

There are very few things that i honestly hate in this world.
crumbs. eating in the dark. nonfive numbers. feet. times new roman. decisions.
i really hate decisions.

I just hate them.
There is never a decision to be made that doesn't hurt or affect someone else. No matter what you choose. Like honestly. Think about it.
What if you have to decide between a ham sandwich or a pb and j sandwich....
if you choose ham... you are either losing or gaining more money (depending on its price)
and then hurting the pb and j companies. and then what if someone else comes and wants a ham sandwich too.... except you used the ham they could have had.

never thought about that as complicated huh? but trust me. it gets worse.

do i want to go to suchandsuch college? or this college?
either way you hurt people and make people happy. you will have different expierences at either one, but which is the "right" one?

i don't know how much i believe in a "right" decision. which kind of throws my life for a loop since that voids wrong choices too. i don't even know. i'm ranting.

you know you have felt it... the pressure of deciding something as stupid as what to do one night. trust me. i usually give up and do nothing. ha... but that's because i hate deciding things. hate it. i hate hurting people. and i feel like that is what comes when you decide something. no matter what... there is a consequence... i just wish that all that hurt could fall back on me... usually it doesn't.

but also... indecisiveness leads to inaction.... which accomplishes nothing.

its a lose-lose situation. they all are if you really think about it. maybe you shouldn't though. then you might hate decisions as much as me. :)

its like that cake phrase. you can't have your cake and eat it too. (for those that need an explanation... don't worry, it took me a while to get it too. it basically means you can't keep and charish your cake, but also eat it all.... aka-you can't have the best of both worlds.)

I'm trying so hard to eat my cake and keep it all nice and pretty and perfect as well... It just doesn't work that way. Someone will get hurt. No matter what. Its almost unfair to decide for both parties. Whether it be a ham sandwich or pb and j...

I just wish I was the only one that would get hurt...

oh and after this post... you'll be surprise to hear that i am starting that new thing... the "
http://www.acomplaintfreeworld.org/" deal. where you have that bracelet and everytime you complain you have to switch arms. i think it will help more people want to be around me. i'll let you know how it goes. :)

but until i get that bracelet... i hate decisions.