

I have a problem.
To many people, that probably sounds like old news. And to some: no news at all, considering everyone has problems.
I realize this. But do you know that feeling when the whole world might be falling on your head and you don't even realize it because you are so consumed in thinking about that one thing or that one person? That's been me this past week.
Needlesstosay, its been a long week.

I have a feeling someone is trying to tell me something. What that is, I'm not fully aware yet, but I'm getting there.
I think the lesson I'm beginning to learn is that I am worth something. That various people might never realize that but as long as I know that... I'm all good.
I am learning to cope with my faults and rejoice with those things that I am good at.

I kind of like this whole liking myself deal. Its hard to get used to. But I'm realizing that it really doesn't matter what I think of myself or what others think either... just God's opinion. No matter how many times I fail myself and I fail other people... I still have a number one fan. One who I never have to prove myself to or do anything at all for that matter.

Its nice to know I have someone that powerful and loving on my side.
...Even when it feels like the whole rest of the world is against me.

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