

I have an issue.
Yes, I realize the last blog was about problems... But I believe these are two very different words.
Issue, to me, is a permanent problem. One that could last forever.
Therefore... I have an issue. (Probably more than just one, but its not a time to dwell on that).

I lose things easily.
Things literally slip right through my fingers. Here one minute and gone the next.
It gets rather frustrating.
Especially when it isn't a material thing that was lost. (You can't even spend time physically looking for it--- not that i typically would. lol).

I've lost something. At one point in time, it was very, very valuable to me. I could even go as far to say irreplaceable.
I can't quite figure out what to do... whether "to cry because its over or smile because it happened." (<--- corny quote). But really, I assume that its for the best, but I can't seem to want to let go. To be so used to something for a long time and suddenly be to blame for the downfall?
Its incomprensible for me.
The reality of my loss has yet to hit me, but when it does... someone better be sitting around holding a box of kleenex for me....

Scarier yet... I don't know if I have that "someone" who would do that.
The person I lost might just be that "someone."

I have an issue.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will sit there holding a box of Kleenex for you. I will even hold you.